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Age and Cataract Surgery – When is the Right Time?

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Age and Cataract Surgery – When is the Right Time?

Age and Cataract Surgery: When Is the Right Time

Cataracts can often be seen as a natural aspect of aging, gradually making their presence known as we go through life. Whether you’re in your late thirties, noticing subtle changes in your vision, or celebrating a milestone in your sixties, it’s perfectly normal to have questions about cataracts and the potential for surgery. Many people […]

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The Lifespan of Laser Cataract Surgery: How Long Will It Last?

The Lifespan of Laser Cataract Surgery

The World Health Organization marks around 65.2 million people affected by cataracts, which cause moderate to severe vision loss in over a third of cases. As people grow older and average life expectancy increases worldwide, the influx of people with cataracts will mirror that growth. Although many individuals wait to seek treatment until their condition […]

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