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Dr. Jitendra Swarup: The Ophthalmology Experts
Clinical Trials Theme

Welcome to Albemarle Eye Center

Dr. Jitendra Swarup and the ophthalmology experts at Albemarle Eye Center are proud to provide personalized service with commitment to excellence. Our practice is dedicated to providing you and your family with quality eye care and state-of-the-art medical and surgical treatment.

We are pleased to offer various services at our advanced eye surgery center, including LASIK laser eye surgery, LenSxยฎ laser cataract removal, glaucoma treatment, routine eye exams, and contact lens fittings

Book an appointment today to get the clear vision you want and deserve.

Cataract Surgery Specialist

Your Cataract Surgery Specialists  

Have you been told you have cataracts? Advancements in technology allow you more choices in your cataract surgery procedure than ever before. 

Albemarle Eye Center is pleased to offer laser LenSxยฎ cataract surgery as well as premium lens options that can reduce or even eliminate the necessity of glasses after cataract surgery!

Our Locations

    Albemarle Eye Center Research Department

    Albemarle Clinical Trials

    At Albemarle Eye Center, our research department continues to take part in numerous FDA-monitored clinical trials.

    Our advanced eye care center is committed to improving ocular health, which is why weโ€™re always on the search for new treatment options, medications, and medical devices that can benefit our patients

    Partnership Image Background
    US Eye Better Together

    We are a proud partner of US Eye, a leading group of patient-centric, vertically We are a proud partner of US Eye, a leading group of patient-centric, vertically integrated multi-specialty physician practices providing patients services in ophthalmology, optometry, dermatology, audiology, and cosmetic facial surgery at our center for advanced eye care.multi-specialty physician practices providing patients with care in ophthalmology, optometry, dermatology, audiology and cosmetic facial surgery.

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